Conseil de métiers d’art du Quebec
I am proud to announce that I am now part of the Conseil de métiers d’art du Quebec.
I am an ingraft as a Canadian artesian, since I was born in Colombia and started my craft in that country.
I have had a few mentors on my path. From Monika Diaz, Gustavo Estrada, to JR Franco each one of them has contributed in their own unique way. Monika always had an open invitation to play, that was her way of teaching me. Gustavo never tells me my ideas are not feasible. Instead, he asks how I will turn whatever I am planning into a reality. His support and input have been invaluable to me, and increased my confidence as well as showing me new avenues to explore. JR Franco teaches me to think like an entrepreneur, streamlining processes and other important aspects of the work.
In keeping with my interest in collaborating with artists of compatible and complementary aims, I have held joint exhibitions, particularly the collective exhibition, “4 Artistes one show”, with Jennifer McIntyre, TingFen Chin and Yves Cousineau in Gallerie Espace and the collaborative exhibition, Water Forms in Light and Metal, with Jennifer McIntyre, also in Gallerie Espace.
In the near future, I plan to launch an exhibition called Spring. The name alludes both to the season of launch of the exhibition, and the structure of the artifacts, which are all going to be based around springs of coil metal. I will be attending fairs and fashion shows that relate to my areas of artistic development. I aim to establish a solid and innovative brand whose quality and standing reflect my artistic endeavour. I wish to experiment with new materials and, above all, will continue learning. As part of this, I plan to embark on further collaboration with the artist JR Franco who makes a fascinating original jewellery using aluminium. The learning process is a journey with no end in view: and this is as it should be.